ActiveWhois is able to correctly determine the contact information for GOOGLE.COM
Direct request
A direct request to the database was not return the correct information for GOOGLE.COM.
Most other WHOIS clients use these direct requests.
Active Whois themes
Active Whois support different themes
Active Whois Netstat
Active Whois Netstat show ip connections opens with Windows Edge browser.
Nslookup(dig) on Windows 10.
Active Whois NSLookup allows creating the any form of DNS request in Windows graphical interface.
Traceroute with Active Whois.
You can use Internationalized Domain Name(IDN) hosts easily everywhere in Active Whois, the trace route's target too.
Traceroute with Active Whois.
Trace route with Active Whois. Please pay attention; the only real domains will be marked as links.